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Meyer links up with Travelsavers

future, but will be available to Bermudians in less than three months, thanks to a new partnership between Meyer Travel, a division of Meyer Agencies, and Travelsavers International of Oyster Bay in New York.

Starting January 1, 2000, clients who book their hotel stays with Meyer Travel will benefit from Travelsavers' negotiated hotel programme, which can save up to 50 percent off standard room rates. The programme, unusually, runs year-round.

Meyer Travel's clients will also be able to become members of Travelsavers International's "Travel Club'', which will offer savings worth thousands of dollars. Meyer Card holders will be the first to receive invitations to join the club, at a special introductory price.

Meyer, Travelsavers, Capital G and Bermuda Financial Network are developing what they describe as "a new credit card opportunity'', in addition to the Meyer Card, which they hope to launch early next year.

"Travelsavers International shares the vision of Meyer Travel,'' said Carl H.

Paiva, executive vice president of the Meyer group of companies.

Jack Maraffi, president and chief operating officer of Travelsavers, said yesterday: "We are excited to have the highly professional Meyer Travel group join us. We look forward to working closely with Carl Paiva and his staff to enhance the benefits received by Meyer Travel clients and to add Bermuda to the list of global partner countries in the worldwide Travelsavers International chain.'' As to growth in the e-bookings business, Mr. Paiva said: "More and more business is being booked online by visitors planning to visit Bermuda. Who better to sell Bermuda than Bermudians?'' He continued: "By booking online, our visitors not only get their airline tickets, hotel reservations and transfer arrangements, but a true insight into Bermuda.'' Mr. Paiva said he and his staff are "looking forward to the new millennium.

As our mission statement says, the world is our oyster. We welcome the challenges (the future) presents.'' BUSINESS BUC