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Mid Ocean Trust Co. opens

been appointed chairman of the board of the new Bermuda trust company, Mid Ocean Trust Company Ltd., after an organisational meeting last week.

Mr. Davis, 46, is a member of the Bermuda and Canadian Institutes of Chartered Accountants and has spent much of his career with the Bank of Bermuda in the provision of corporate trust services here and abroad.

Mr. Brackstone, 55, has spent thirty years as an officer of The Royal Trust and a major investment firm.

Mid Ocean Trust Company is offering both corporate and personal trust administrative services. The company will also be participating in financial transactions supporting related activity to its clients.

Dundee Bancorp Inc., a public company listed on the Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchanges, is a major shareholder. Dundee is an investment management company primarily involved in the management of mutual funds as well as pension funds of private clients.

Approximately Cdn$2 billion are invested in the company's Dynamic Mutual Funds by more than 100,000 Canadians.

The offices for Mid Ocean Trust Company Ltd. open next week Wednesday at 61 Front Street in Hamilton.