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Warm reception: Premier Jennifer Smith is pictured with a group of Bermudian students at The College of Insurance in New York during a recent goodwill visit to the Big Apple campus. Seventeen students, including XL Scholarship recipient Gino Smith had lunch with the Premier, her Chief of Staff Lt. Col.

David Burch, faculty and senior staff and administration members at the College. The students included undergraduates (alphabetical): Akilah Albouy, Collinwood Anderson, Remy Colmet, Deanna DeShields, Terjuan Lister, Serena Paul, Fretina Robinson, Anastasia Slater, Gino Smith, Meghan Spurling, Kavan Tucker, Shanna Tyrrell and graduates Brandi Hartford, Jaquita Ingham, Sandra Richards, Leah Richardson and Angelika Rohlmann. The Premier noted how impressed she was with the campus, curriculum and enthusiasm for learning shown by the students. College president Ellen Thrower, who sits on XL Capital's board said, "The Premier's visit is a gratifying reaffirmation of the importance of our long-term relationship with Bermuda's insurance community.''