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Polar air is cold comfort to Bermudians

Just as many people thought they could throw off their winter woollies for another year the temperature has dropped to an icy low for Bermuda.

Thanks to a gust of polar air early yesterday morning at around 1 a.m. the temperature plunged to 47 degrees Fahrenheit -- the lowest March night in nine years.

The previous record was set at 50 in 1990.

Bermuda Weather Service meteorologist Mark Guishard said last night that the gusty and gale force northwesterly winds combined with the low temperature bringing the wind chill down to a cold 43 -- six degrees Celsius.

"It has been speculated by some that this is unusually cold weather for this time of year,'' he said.

"It should be noted that we have had colder temperatures in March in the past, most notably in 1951 when the monthly record minimum temperature of 45 Fahrenheit was set.

"In fact, quite a few days in March have had records in the 40s so while this may seem an unusual situation to most there has been a precedent set for this type of cold weather this late in the year.'' And Mr. Guishard said the recent cold weather was caused by winds from the north which brought cold polar air from higher latitudes, as they had frequently this winter.

"Embedded in this northerly airstream are quite a few showers which also serve to drag cold air down from the upper levels in the atmosphere.'' But he said the Island was in for warmer weather today with a more comfortable high of 65 as winds were expected to ease off and shift around to the southwest.

Unfortunately tomorrow might be chilly again since winds were expected to shift back to the northwest and increase making the weather somewhat cooler again.