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Security business is thriving

One of the key players at the Bermuda Security Group Ltd. is Graham Wall, the finance and business development director.

Mr. Wall is a chartered accountant with 30 years experience in international business development. He has worked in this field in many countries through out the world.

Previously he worked 25 years with the UK group Fisons PLC. He was the managing director of a manufacturing company in Wales.

During 1997-98 he worked as a consultant on business development to several companies, including Bermuda Security Group, (BSG), prior to his appointment there as financial director on a three year contract. He helped BSG formulate its five-year business plan with the management team and directed their commitment to the strategic development of business.

Mr. Wall described Bermuda Security Group as a significant business with a board of directors, senior management and senior employees. He spoke about his role: "I focus on the organisational systems related to computer development.

Getting ready for the year 2000 has been a detail of momentous importance and could affect the way we protect people and property and company profits.

"Bermuda Central Station could be the envy of many companies. We have made key decisions at the right time with set up, establishment and moving the security system to corporate headquarters,'' he explained.

They monitor over a thousand premises from their central station and service over 1500 clients, and issue about 5000 security cards.

"It pleases me to see consistent, successful growth. We have two joint ventures in the Cayman Islands with a security system's company and a security services company,'' Mr. Wall concluded.

Mr. Wall has been married for 12 years to this wife, Vivienne. They previously lived in Chester, UK. His hobbies are sailing and boating. He has made several transatlantic crossings on the Newport Bermuda Yacht race on yacht, "Privateer'' owned by Eldon Trimingham.

Mr. Graham Wall, Finance and Business Development Director