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Thirty Christmas tree containers unloaded

for the holiday season will be glad to know that 30 containers of Christmas trees arrived.The Oleander unloaded 29 containers of trees when she arrived on Sunday morning.

for the holiday season will be glad to know that 30 containers of Christmas trees arrived.

The Oleander unloaded 29 containers of trees when she arrived on Sunday morning.

She also unloaded 103 dry containers, four refrigerated containers, five trailers of steel, six cars and an oxygen truck before leaving on Tuesday morning at 9 a.m..

Meyer Agencies Limited spokesman Mr. Stephen Paynter said the Bermuda Islander off loaded one container of trees, 80 dry containers and 12 refrigerated containers. She arrived on Monday morning and left the next day for Salem, New Jersey.

And he reported that the Somers Isles also arrived on Monday morning and off loaded 57 containers including five refrigerated containers.

Her loose cargo consisted of a boat, a concession stand, eight bundles of steel and six bundles of plywood. She was due to leave this afternoon.

The refrigerated fruit carrier Racisce (pictured right) left Bermuda on Saturday for Belgium. She was en route to Belgium from Costa Rica with her cargo of bananas when one of her generators broke down and she had to stop here to repair it.

John S. Darrell spokesman Mr. Tim Southern said the Maltese registered bulk carrier Turiddu (pictured below) arrived at Penno's Wharf on Tuesday en route from Belledune, Canada to Kingston, Jamaica.

The 96.2 metre long vessel was carrying 2,230 metric tons of granulated phosphate and stayed overnight after refuelling.

HMS Torbay returned to the Island yesterday morning after leaving on Saturday to conduct exercises. She berthed at the Knuckles Berth in Dockyard and was to leave this afternoon at 1.30 p.m..

The tanker Emsgas was due in tomorrow morning at the Esso oil docks where she will offload 8,500 barrels of liquid propane. She was due to leave on Saturday morning after spending the night at Murray's Anchorage.

PIT STOP - The Turiddu arrived at Penno's Wharf on Tuesday from Belledune, Canada to refuel before continuing her voyage to Kingston, Jamaica. The 96.2 metre long bulk carrier was carrying 2,230 metric tons of granulated phosphate.

BANANA BOAT - The Croatian flagged refrigerated fruit carrier Racisce resumed her voyage to Belgium on Saturday morning. She was forced to stop in Bermuda after leaving Costa Rica last week with her cargo of bananas when one of her generators broke down.