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Top lawyers, fund managers coming to Bermuda: Asian markets to come under

Nearly 500 of the world's top international lawyers and fund managers will be jetting to Bermuda at the end of the month for their annual conference on mutual funds, it was revealed yesterday.

The International Bar Association and the Investment Company Institute are hosting their 11th annual conference jointly at the Fairmont Southampton Princess this year for three days of intensive discussion on "Globalisation of Mutual Funds''.

Yesterday the Bank of Butterfield's Group Legal Advisor, and chair of the International Bar Association's Committee on Investment Companies and Mutual Funds, Peter Rodger revealed the event had nearly sold out.

A total of 475 professionals will be coming onto the Island for the event which begins on April 30.

Mr. Rodger said: "I am very pleased to report that registrations for this, the eleventh successive year of the conference, are once again close to being sold out. Around 475 experts from the world's fund industry from over 26 countries will be meeting at the Southampton Princess to discuss cutting edge topics and meet industry leaders and regulators.'' This year the keynote address will be given by Jack Cogan, president of the US fund complex, The Pioneer Group.

Discussions will include the opportunities and pitfalls in the changing face of Europe and will host talks by mutual fund regulators from across Europe and the United States as well as discussing money laundering.

One particular panel of leading regulators is attracting a great deal of interest before the event, and will be speaking about all matters concerning money laundering.

The panel includes Carlo Biancheri, Director of the International Office of CONSOB, Francois Delooz from France, Paul Roye director of division of investment from the United States SEC, and Phillip Thorpe, the Managing Director of the UK's Financial Services Authority.

They will be discussing cross border money management including enforcement and compliance matters, how laws and regulations can keep pace with technological changes and improving disclosure and corporate governance.

Conference almost sold out The advent of the Internet is also high on the agenda, with talks on mutual funds in the environment expected to be one of the most popular events.

The Asian market will also be put under the spotlight with discussions planned for asset management in this part of the globe. Mr. Rodger said: "From a Bermuda viewpoint, this highly popular conference proves not only to be a showcase for what Bermuda has to offer in terms of business conference facilities, but also enables Bermudians involved in servicing our mutual fund industry network with leading lawyers, regulators and fund managers from the major fund jurisdictions.'' The International Bar Association, which is based in London,is a federation of international legal associations and individual lawyers and investment company industry association, and will be joined by the American Investment Company Institute, the US investment company industry association, as hosts of the event.

The programme will be launched by a a cocktail reception on Sunday April 30, and will close with a dinner on the beach at the Southampton Princess on May 3, 2000.