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A mixed fleet arrives on the Island

Meyer reported the Cable and Wireless repair vessel, the Sir Eric Sharp , left Dockyard on Sunday. It is bound for Swansea, UK, for its annual overhaul.


Meyer reported the Cable and Wireless repair vessel, the Sir Eric Sharp , left Dockyard on Sunday. It is bound for Swansea, UK, for its annual overhaul.

The Somers Isle came in yesterday with 95 containers, including three refrigerated, a skid loader, steel beams, piping and prefabricated pools. It departs tomorrow.

The Bermuda Islander is due in tomorrow. Its cargo was unknown at press time but it will leave on Friday.

Cable layer the Skandi Har and cable carrier Denika Red are both moored in St.

George's at present.

Container Ship Management reported the Oleander in on Sunday. It brought 122 containers and 35 refrigerated, four flat bed trucks and 35 cars. It left yesterday.

In the red: The cable carrier Denika Red arrives at St. George's