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American Airlines warns workers of cuts

LOS ANGELES (Bloomberg) — American Airlines has warned 289 workers in Los Angeles that it will cut an undetermined number of jobs on November 7 because of reduced travel demand and revenue.

The airline expects to eliminate 23 positions at Los Angeles International Airport, though a final number hasn't been set, the Fort Worth, Texas-based carrier said in a notice filed with California labour officials yesterday. The reductions will occur among airport employees such as gate agents, ramp and cargo workers and baggage handlers.

"It is quite clear we can no longer operate our airline at its current levels," the carrier wrote. The airline said it is "experiencing some significant financial challenges" because of the weaker economy.

The cuts are in addition to 1,600 jobs American, a unit of AMR Corp., said in June it would eliminate as it trimmed flight capacity. The airline today will tell flight attendants whether sufficient numbers volunteered for leaves and part-time work to avoid lay-offs as it pares 1,200 jobs from the group.

American said it would try to reduce the number of furloughs at the Los Angeles airport by offering voluntary programmes such as leaves or early retirements.