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Black Prince Azores-bound

dock in Hamilton for one day. The ship will be arriving from Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos and will sail to Punta del Gato, Azores when it leaves Bermuda.

This is the second cruise ship arrival of the year after the Black Prince stopped over last week. Other than the Black Watch , shipping agents John S.

Darrell were reporting a quiet week.

The Somers Isle is due to arrive in Bermuda today on its regular schedule with Meyer Agencies. It will depart on Friday.

The Bermuda Islander will pull in tomorrow carrying two open-top containers, five flat racks, 17 refrigerated containers and 104 dry. It will leave on Friday.

Bermuda Container Line reported that Oleander arrived on Sunday carrying 145 dry containers and 36 refrigerated. It also carried one Mafis, one flatbed, four cars and one mini-excavator. The ship departed yesterday morning.

Harbour Radio also reported little traffic of late however they did have to repair a buoy in the Dundonald Channel. The light bulb had burned out and was repaired yesterday.

Harnett and Richardson had nothing to report this week but said that the car ship Bravery Ace had arrived on February 15 carrying 118 cars and 31 packages of spare parts.

It came to Bermuda from Port-Au-Prince, Haiti and left the same day for Nassau. It was flying a Panamanian flag.