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Business Bermuda concludes its Asian marketing tour in Hong Kong

Business Bermuda concluded its tour of the key Asian markets with its Annual Bermuda Financial Services Reception in Hong Kong this week.

The event, which was held at the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, included a panel on the major pillars of Bermuda's financial services and international business community, with presentations giving an overview of the Island, the re/insurance market, and investments and capital markets to more than 100 international business executives, lawyers, trust companies and accountants.

Cheryl Packwood, CEO of Business Bermuda, moderated the panel and was joined by Frances Woo of Appleby Global, Piers Alexander of Conyers Dill & Pearman, and Geoffry Kirk of Appleby.

The Business Bermuda team highlighted the significant role Bermuda plays in the global economy, the progress it has made in signing tax information exchange agreements, establishing regulatory leadership, addressing Solvency II and developing a new range of financial products and services.

In addition, they delivered presentations on the incorporation processes, funds, re/insurance and capital markets businesses, with Ms Woo discussing the unprecedented growth of Asia's capital markets and the relationship with the Bermuda Stock Exchange.

"Hong Kong is an incredibly vibrant market that knows the Bermuda story and continues to do even more business in our jurisdiction," said Ms Packwood. "Together with our experience in Singapore, there are clear signs that economic stability and growth are returning and Asia is well on its way to recovery and may in fact be leading the turnaround.

"Bermuda is well positioned for growth in these markets and our efforts this year and over the past two years are bearing fruit. We look forward to working with our members companies and the Government of Bermuda to further these ties and capitalise on the relationships we are building with executives, regulators and Government officials.

"I was impressed to see interest in Bermuda beyond the traditional capital markets and investments known to this market. I received in-depth inquiries on our ship registry and industry, together with questions on insurance products and services. We intend to expand our Asia receptions next year to half day conferences with high level speakers from the Bermuda market."

Meanwhile, Susan Stirling, director of marketing for Business Bermuda, attended the Confederation of Indian Industry Conference on the Indian Financial Markets last week.

The conference, held at the Shangri-La Hotel, provided an update on the state of legislative and regulatory reform for the financial markets in Indian and offered an opportunity to network with business executives, lawyers and others in the financial community.

She will also be taking part in the Fund Forum Asia Conference in Hong Kong, which began yesterday.