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Cambridge Beaches appoints Roberts

Alexis Roberts

Cambridge Beaches has announced the appointment of Alexis Roberts as its new director of sales and marketing.

Ms Roberts, who was educated at Warwick Academy and Williston Northampton in Easthampton MA and has a BA in Marketing from Northeastern University, Boston, was previously the catering and convention manager at the Sonesta Beach and communications co-ordinator for the retail division at the Bank of Bermuda.

From the bank, she moved to Evoke International as the company's account director and office manager, a post she held for four years. In 2004, Ms Roberts joined the Bermuda Hotel Association as manager of marketing, sales and research, where she has been for the past six years.

In her new role, Ms Roberts will immediately take leadership of all sales and marketing responsibilities, seeking to ensure the resort's new brand image is solidified in the marketplace, particularly in the current climate.

"Alexis understands our vision and has the skills to deliver that vision in an effective manner and will, I know, have a positive impact on our occupancies and yields," said Mike Winfield, CEO and president of Cambridge Beaches. "She obviously has a tough road to walk as the current tourism market is not as strong as we would like and is cluttered with a great deal of product and opportunity for potential guests.

"Alexis will be defining why Cambridge Beaches is special and painting the unique opportunities that we offer to the discerning traveller. She understands the modern complexities of marketing in an ever more diversified and electronic world.

"We are tremendously proud to have this Bermudian tourism professional joining our senior management team. We know that her presence will significantly enhance our capabilities and are thrilled that she has joined us."