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Housing construction numbers boosted by fractional units work

Rapid development:Construction of gractional ownership units at Tucker's Point Club boosted the construction industry's output in the first quarter of 2008.

The value of housing construction projects rose by almost 25 percent during the first quarter of 2008, Government's latest figures have shown.

The estimated value of work done during the first three months of the year was $28.7 million, up 24.8 percent. But that of offices, shops and warehouses was down 27.1 percent at $14.5 million.

Overall the value of construction projects inched up 1.3 percent at $84.7 million, with the private sector accounting for $74.5 million of that and the public sector $10.2 million.

But Alex DeCouto, president of the Construction Association of Bermuda, believes that despite residential development soaring ahead of commercial properties, the figures will even themselves out over the year.

"With developments like Newstead, and I think they categorise PRC (private residence clubs) units as residential, Tuckers Point, Loughlands and Elbow Beach all heavily underway through the first quarter, I think they have skewed things slightly," he said. "A similar blip in commercial projects starting up may be causing another blip, as there are a number of projects that have not gotten out of the ground. I think stretching out over the year will see an evening out."

And Mr. Decouto sees office, shops and warehouse projects making a comeback later on during 2008.

"Residential may dip slightly but Bermuda Housing Corporation are moving aggressively to start projects so that may stay strong," he said.

"Commercial projects (offices) will definitely increase as a number of projects are now at full steam."

The Quarterly Bulletin from the Department of Statistics also showed that hotels and guesthouses' construction value dwindled by nine percent at $28.2 million, unlike schools, hospitals and community centres, which shot up 164 percent to $13.2 million.

Roads, bridges and airports, as well as industrial plant and other were also on the decline, down 85.7 percent and 100 percent respectively.