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IT company gets top rating

Consulting Solutions, has been awarded a "top ten'' slot by an American computer company.Novell Inc. has placed ICS, which was established in 1991,

Consulting Solutions, has been awarded a "top ten'' slot by an American computer company.

Novell Inc. has placed ICS, which was established in 1991, ahead of many North American companies by placing it at the top end of its league table called a Channel Partner.

"As the best of the best, ICS has earned the privilege to be at the top,'' said Filomena Toto, Channel Account Manager for Novell Inc.

In February Novell Inc. chose ICS to manage the public relations and marketing for their chief information officer Sheri Anderson's visit to the Island where she met with heads of local and international businesses.

Robert Salmon, president and chief executive officer of ICS said the company wants to have a closer and more meaningful relationship with vendors such as Novell.

He said: "We like to offer all of our clients in Bermuda the best possible service and part of our being able to do this is through cementing and growing really strong strategic alliances with companies like Novell.

"Our core mission is to offer all Bermuda businesses independent, objective solutions to their IT problems. Having a specially close relationship with a company like Novel Inc. enables us to understand their strategies and upcoming products and translate that into helping our clients to make the right buying solutions.''