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Rough weather delays passage

The Zenith arrived into Hamilton late on Monday after crew slowed the vessel in order to counteract rough seas en route, and make the voyage as comfortable as possible.


The Zenith arrived into Hamilton late on Monday after crew slowed the vessel in order to counteract rough seas en route, and make the voyage as comfortable as possible.

Its Celebrity Cruises sister ship, the Horizon , arrived a little late in St.

George's on Monday morning with 1,304 passengers. The ship shifted to Hamilton yesterday and departs tomorrow.

The Norwegian Majesty arrived in St. George's on Tuesday with 1,456 passengers and leaves on Friday.

The Zenith arrived with 1,348 passengers. It moves to St. George's today and leaves tomorrow.

Some 492 passengers will arrive in Dockyard on Friday aboard the Crown Dynasty . The vessel will stay the weekend and depart on Monday.

The Pacific Princess arrived yesterday with 511 passengers. It will shift to Hamilton today and then to Dockyard tomorrow, leaving Friday.

And the Nordic Empress , carrying 1,383 passengers, arrived yesterday morning.

It will move to Hamilton tomorrow and leave on Friday.

A 16,784-tonne Turkish vessel, R. Dedeoglu , stopped in Bermuda for minor repairs this week. The 178-metre ship arrived in Dockyard on Monday.

Handling the contract, shipping agents John S. Darrell said damages are not ship- or life-threatening and expect the vessel to leave as soon as repairs are finished.

A 3,711-tonne Cuban cement ship, Starfish , arrived in Dockyard on Monday and was expected to depart today.

And cargo ship, Stadt Kiel , began filling in for the Oleander whilst it is in dry dock for the next two weeks.

The German-registered ship arrived in Hamilton on Sunday and brought 33 refrigerated and 137 dry containers. The ship is 104 metres long and displaces 4,400 tonnes. It departed yesterday.

Cargo ships Bermuda Islander and Somers Isle are on schedule without incidents.

The Bermuda Islander will arrive tomorrow with 22 refrigerated containers, 82 dry containers and two horse boxes. It is expected to leave on Friday.

The Somers Isle arrived yesterday morning, bringing three refrigerated containers, 82 dry containers and eight flat-beds.

It will depart tomorrow.