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Students shine in BFIS programme

Students learned more in three weeks on the Bermuda Foundation For Insurance Studies (BFIS) Summer Intern Programme than in an entire semester of insurance-related studies.

That is what some of those who took part in the internship told more than 50 insurance industry professionals, parents and students at a luncheon hosted by the 2010 programme sponsors, Allied World Assurance Company.

The three teams of four students had spent two to three weeks in either Bermuda, London or Chicago learning in depth about insurance.

It was evident at the presentation that they had all found the experience invaluable, and had come away from the internship with a far greater knowledge of the industry.

Every student agreed that by the conclusion of the internship they had a much clearer picture of their career path.

The Bermuda interns generally agreed that, though the schedule was intensive with some 25 companies visited in a three-week period, every company brought something different to the table.

The London interns thoroughly enjoyed their two-week immersion into the London market, with the highlight being several visits to Lloyd's of London. The Chicago students all stated that the internship was a real learning curve for them, with a very varied itinerary in a beautiful city.

Catherine Lapsley, BFIS executive director, noted that, "None of this would be possible without the tremendous support of the industry. Representatives from more than 50 companies and insurance-related organisations very generously donate time every year to share their knowledge, insights and experience with the students."

Applications for the 2011 programme can be completed online and although the deadline for applications is March 1, 2011, students who apply early are more likely to go to the country of their choice.