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US giant's car sales soar in China

SHANGHAI (AP) — General Motors Co. says it is set to sell more than two million vehicles in China this year after posting record sales for October.

GM and its ventures in China sold 199,641 vehicles last month, up nearly 20 percent from the year before. That took its sales for the first 10 months of the year to 1,976,913 vehicles — a gain of 36 percent, it said in a statement yesterday.

"This is another important milestone for General Motors in China," said Kevin Wale, president and managing director of the GM China Group. "It was only three years ago that GM became the first global automaker to reach the one million annual sales mark in China."

Rival Ford Motor Co., which got a later start in China and has smaller operations here, reported it sold 49,681 vehicles in October, up 33 percent. Ford's China sales in January-October surged 39 percent to 468,754.

Global automakers are relying increasingly on sales in China and other developing countries to offset weakness in the US and other traditional markets.

Thanks partly to its strong performance in China, the company forecast that it earned up to $2.1 billion from July to September.