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Byrne joins Bermuda Reinsurance Club panel

Flagstone chairman Mark Byrne

Flagstone chairman Mark Byrne is one of four new additional panellists recruited to take part in next week's inaugural Bermuda Reinsurance Club half-day event.

The event, staged by Reinsurance magazine, will take place on the morning of March 17 at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess hotel.

Aon Benfied Bermuda chairman Paul Markey, Lockton Re's North America executive director John Daum and US lawyer Sharon Angelino, a partner at law firm Goldberg Segalla have all also been confirmed as additional panellists.

The event will be opened by Bermuda's Deputy Premier Paula Cox and will feature three discussions: the first on the New York Stock Exchange and what it will mean to Bermuda and London markets; a look at the Class of 2005 five years on; and panel on the age-old debate on Bermuda versus London and whether the rivalry is still there.

Other panellists include: Barbara Merry, chief executive of Hardy Underwriting; AM Best's senior vice-president of ratings Matt Mosher; Charles Dupplin, CEO of Hiscox Bermuda and Neil McConachie, president and CFO of Lancashire Holdings Ltd.

The day will be chaired by Katherine Blackler and Mairi Mallon, managing director of rein4ce, a specialist re/insurance PR company.