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Bermuda shipping register is the safest

Bermuda’s shipping register has the best three-year safety record, according to a European port state control organisation.The Paris MoU rates registries each year, based on the number of inspections and detentions in a rolling three-year period.According to a story in Lloyd’s List, the organisation uses a three-tier classification, of white list for the safest, a grey list for those with average track records and a black list for those considered to carry medium or high risk.The white list of 42 registries for the 2008-2010 period was topped by Bermuda, which recorded 270 inspections and zero detentions.Second-placed Germany had 1,388 inspections and 14 detentions. Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Finland, China and the Isle of Man made up the rest of the top ten.Bottom of the table was North Korea, just behind Libya, Togo and Sierra Leone.Bermuda is part of the Red Ensign Group of shipping registries. The UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) gave the Island’s Department of Marine Administration and the Department of Marine and Ports a glowing endorsement after they visited in late 2008.At that time, assistant director of corporate governance and risk at MCA, Andrew Cherrett, said: “We are very pleased with the quality and standards of survey and certification of Bermuda’s international fleet which includes many of the world’s top cruise ships, and of the level of cooperation between the Department of Marine Administration and Marine and Ports which is among the highest we have seen.”The MCA regularly monitors the Red Ensign Group shipping registers of the UK Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies to review the quality and standards.Bermuda operates a category one register, which allows registration of unlimited ship type and tonnage within conditions agreed with the UK.