AFL to host Canadian investing and tax seminar
AFL Investments is hosting a “Canadian Investments and Tax Update” information session. The one and one half hour-long session will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at noon.
The seminar is designed for anyone interested in learning more about Canadian dollar investments and Canadian taxes, AFL said.
The seminar will explore why Canadian investments may make sense for anyone who is looking to diversify their investment portfolio, has obligations in Canadian dollars, has children attending school in Canada or who plans to retire in Canada. The session will also provide a Canadian tax update, looking in particular at how to define ‘resident’ and ‘non-resident’ for tax purposes, the implications of sending children to Canadian schools, purchasing property, actively investing in Canada as a non-resident, and retiring in Canada.
The investments section will be presented by Bill McKay, CFA, from Cidel Financial Group. Mr. McKay is the Lead Portfolio manager at Cidel and specialises in asset allocation. Bill has spoken frequently in Bermuda and his engaging style makes complex concepts easily understood. The tax update will be delivered by Arun (Ernie) Nagratha, CA, CPA, from Trowbridge Professional Corporation. Ernie has been a popular speaker and at previous AFL Investments events and has the ability to make tax updates both interesting and enjoyable.
Cindy Campbell, Chief Operating Officer of AFL Investments, says: “This event is
perfect for any Bermuda residents looking to add or increase currency diversification into
Canadian dollars for their investment portfolio. With a sound banking system, strong
government finances, and a wealth of opportunities in the resource sector, Canada has
grown as a destination of choice for international investment capital.”
The information session will be held in The Argus Training Centre in the new Argus
Building at 14 Wesley Street in Hamilton. Interested individuals need to register to attend
by emailing as space is limited. Please use subject line
“Canada” in your response. The event is free and a light lunch will be provided.