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KPMG holds AML seminar for charities

KPMG: staging seminars for charities on dealing with AML rules

Professional services firm KPMG is to hold two special seminars to alert charities to the dangers of money laundering and terrorist financing.

KPMG’s David Harper said that the Charities Act required registered charities to ensure “relevant officers” understand the law relating to money laundering and terrorist financing and undergo regular training in how to recognise potential problems.

Mr Harper added: “The KPMG training sessions being offered are designed to meet this regulatory requirement and provide training to relevant officers focused on delivering practical guidance on how to implement the new anti-money laundering regulatory requirements.”

He added that relevant officers included executive directors, board members, compliance staff and volunteers or charities staff involved in soliciting, accepting or processing of payments on behalf of the charity.

Mr Harper explained that the two training sessions will include an explanation of money laundering and terrorist financing, how to conduct risk assessments, what is needed for a anti-money laundering programme, donor and customer on-boarding and “know your customer” requirements.

The courses will also cover transaction monitoring rules, reporting and record keeping regulations and how to set up a anti-money laundering and antiterrorist financing programme.

The two sessions — which will include lunch at 12.30pm — cost $100 per person and will be held at KPMG’s offices on Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton on Thursday, September 24 and Wednesday, October 21 from 12.45pm to 2pm.

To register an interest in attending, visit https://event-wizard.com/KPMGamlatftraining2015/0/register/ or contact Mr Harper at davidharper@kpmg.bm.