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Stevedoring Services awards scholarships

Stevedoring Services: from the left are Otis Minors and son Zed Scott, Linda Amaral accepting award for her son Tomas Amaral, Cheryl Hayward-Chew, and Kaelin Cox and his father Roderick Cox

Three students have received a share of a $10,000 education award from Stevedoring Services.

Through the Stevedoring Services Limited Education Awards programme an annual $10,000 education award was created to assist student-dependents of Stevedoring Services employees, with funds for their tertiary level education.

This year’s award has been shared equally between Kaelin Cox, Tomas Amaral and Zed Scott, who are children of SSL employees.

Warren Jones, CEO of Polaris Holding Company, said: “Polaris sees the educational award as a way of helping our employees and showing them in a tangible way that their family is a part of our family.”

Cheryl Hayward-Chew, chairwoman of Polaris Holding Company Ltd, presented the awards and expressed her delight at being able to assist the student’ academic success and their career plans.

Kaelin Cox is the son of Roderick Cox, and was a recipient of a SSLEA in 2014 and 2015. Kaelin is attending Saint Mary’s University and will be entering the third year of a degree in criminology.

Tomas Amaral is the son of Linda Amaral, and was a recipient of a SSLEA in 2015. He will commence a legal practice course with a masters’ in business at BPP University Law School in London next month.

Zed Scott is the son of Otis Minors, and will be entering his second year of a kinesiology programme at the University of Texas.