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Regulatory Authority commissioners sought

Late with survey: the Regulatory Authority missed a statutory deadline for its telecoms market review

The Bermuda Government is seeking candidates to sit on the Regulatory Authority’s Board of Commissioners.

The RA oversees the electronic communications and energy sectors and reports to the board.

The commissioners’ posts have been advertised and applicants are expected to apply by February 23 to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Regulatory Affairs.

The principal functions and general powers of the RA include establishing technical industry standards, regulating tariffs by the providers and establishing and enforcing service quality standards in the energy sector, the electronic communications sector and, in due course, in broadcasting.

The RA is involved in monitoring and regulating many aspects of the markets and their covered services, and is a watchdog on market behaviour.

According to the Regulatory Act of 2011, section 19(1), the Commissioners are responsible for the actions of the Authority and the general administration of its affairs and business.

For more information, visit the webpage https://goo.gl/QpKBjb