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RA seeks feedback on spectrum licence granting

The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda is inviting the public and industry stakeholders to comment on the grant of spectrum licences, permits, and exempted frequencies for the electronic communications sector through its public consultation process.

The preliminary report document proposes processes for the RA to receive new applications for spectrum licences and permits, guidelines on applicant criteria, exempted frequencies and how the requested spectrum assignment is intended to be used.

Michael Wells, chief technology officer for the RA, said: “We look forward to receiving comments from both the industry and the general public as their input will help to define a universal process for all spectrum users when applying for spectrum authorisations.”

To comment on the grant of spectrum licences, permits, and exempted frequencies, select the public consultation link at www.ra.bm or e-mail consultation@ra.bm on or before 11:59pm on Monday, April 20, 2020