Esther Trott honoured at school and church
Mrs. Esther Trott was doubly honoured in the space of one week. Firstly, the special data administrator at the Berkeley Institute was awarded by the school for her "relentless pursuit of perfection" in her work at the school.
And the following Sunday attending her regular worship service as Shekinah Worship Centre, its pastor the Rev. Dr. Maria Seaman called her before the large congregation and read out a copy of the citation the acting Berkeley Principal, Mrs. Sandra Burrows had forwarded, noting how Mrs. Trott had gained the respect of "all staff, parents and students who come into contact with her" at the Berkeley.
Mrs. Trott "is the Berkeley's failsafe for all things dealing with grades and student transcripts. Relentless in her pursuit of perfection, she leaves no stone unturned when dealing with even the smallest of details. She is a soft-spoken dynamo (but she can adopt a deeper tone when necessary), who will often work through her lunch and after hours to ensure that the job is not only completed, but completed correctly."
Mrs. Trott has just completed her Bachelors of Accounting Degree, and is presently enrolled in the Teacher Certification classes at the Bermuda College. "It is obvious she is a lifelong learner. She is thorough, helpful, patient and approachable, qualities that serve her well and have earned the respect of all staff, parents and students who come in contact with her." (She's seen above with the inscribed trophy presented by the Berkeley).