Anniversary Club, April 28, 2006
Congratulations to:
Rosheen Albouy, who celebrated her 40th birthday recently.
Pam Butterfield, of Mills Creek, Pembroke Parish, who celebrated her birthday yesterday.
Michael ?Connor, of Shelly Bay, Hamilton Parish, who celebrated his 22nd birthday yesterday.
Laquita Doers, of #35 Cambridge Road, Sandys Parish, who celebrates her birthday today.
Antonia Mills, of Sandys Parish, (currently studying at Clarke University, Atlanta), who celebrated her 21st birthday recently.
Warren Fough, of KEMH, who celebrated his birthday yesterday.
Lynn Landy, of Spring Benny Road, Sandys Parish who celebrated his birthday yesterday.
Dennika Outerbridge, of Prospect Apartments, Devonshire Parish, who celebrates her birthday today.
Kyle Courtland Justin Smith, of Cambridge, Canada, (formerly of #5 Rockaway Springs, Southampton), who celebrates his 30th birthday today.
Marlene Preece, of Southampton Parish, who celebrated her birthday yesterday
Cindy Simons, of Boaz Island, Sandys Parish, who celebrated her birthday yesterday.
To have a birthday, a recent graduation, special honours, a newborn baby, an engagement or a wedding anniversary listed in the Royal Gazette?s Daily Free Community Anniversary club, call Ivan I. Smith at 295-5881 ext. 162.