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Antique appraisal show coming to St. George's

Go into your attics and cellars and dig out those old items you have been storing for years...they may be more valuable than you think.

Three well known Bermudian appraisers, Hugh Davidson, Tony Pettit and Michael Darling, will help you determine just what your valuables are worth when the St. George's Historical Society holds an Antique Appraisal Show on March 16 at the cruise ship terminal on Ordnance Island between 1 and 5 p.m.

"We're asking people to go through their possessions, pick up things that they have buried away, things that they haven't looked at for a long time," said secretary/treasurer of the St. George's Historical Society, Tony Saunders, who is the co-ordinator of the appraisal show.

"A lot of people have antiques in the house and they have no idea what they are worth and we're encouraging them to take these objects with them to the cruise terminal and have them appraised so they have an idea what they're worth."

There will be a $10 fee to have each item appraised while others attending will pay a $5 admission fee, with the proceeds going to the Society.

Refreshments, such as tea and banana bread, will be served at no additional cost.

The event is open to the general public and the Society is hoping for a good response.

"With it being held on Ordnance Island, there are good parking facilities there and it is easy for people to get in and out," said Mr. Saunders.

"Given a nice day we should be able to make quite a nice event of it.

"We want to make it Island-wide with people from all walks of life to come and support it, in additional to supporting the St. George's Historical Society which is a charitable organisation and relies very much on donations to keep it going."

For further information Mr. Saunders can be contacted at 297-3539.