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Aquila director to judge BMDS 15 Minutes of Fame

Peter Meineck is the visiting celebrity judge who will select this year?s overall winner of the ?Golden Inkwell? and cash prize from six finalists in the Bermuda Musical & Dramatic Society?s (BMDS) ?Famous for ?Famous for Fifteen Minutes? annual playwriting festival.

Mr. Meineck founded the Aquila Theatre Company in 1991 and is its producing artistic director.

The Company presented ?Othello? and ?The Man Who Would Be King? in this year?s Bermuda Festival, and ?A Midsummer Night?s Dream?, ?The Tempest?, and ?The Importance of Being Earnest? in previous Festivals.

In choosing Mr. Meineck as its celebrity judge, the BMDS considers that his enthusiasm for researching the plays he produces, and his interpretation of translations, make him an ideal candidate to bring added value to ?Famous for Fifteen Minutes? competition, and also to continue the gravitas afforded to this eagerly anticipated annual event.

?Having Peter judge our playwrights is a coup for BMDS and Bermuda.

His name and the reputation of the Aquila Theatre Company are a combination with which the BMDS is proud to be associated,? co-producer Adrienne Hintz said.

A former Royal Marine, Mr. Meineck is currently clinical assistant professor in Classics and Ancient Studies at New York University.

In addition to his considerable reputation as the author of many books and articles on ancient studies, he has translated numerous Greek plays for the stage for Aquila and other production companies.

In accordance with ?Famous for Fifteen Minutes? rules, he will be judging each play on the writing.

He will have to make a his decision on the overall winner prior to arriving here in time for the Gala Night performance and presentation on March 20.

Previous judges of ?Famous for Fifteen Minutes? were Canadian playwright Norm Foster and Manchester (England) Royal Exchange artistic director, Jake Murray.

The six finalists whose winning plays will be performed at Daylesford Theatre between March 17 and 20 are: Carol Birch, Debbie Pharoah (last year?s winner), Jean Hannant, Henry Godfrey, Andra Simons and Kelvin Hastings-Smith.

For full details of performances, ticket prices and purchase points see today?s Bermuda Calendar.