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Auction aficionados in hogge heaven

You don?t expect a pig market to be hosted at the plush Fairmont Hamilton Princess but next week 54 hogges go under the hammer in the Masterworks auction.

The public art project has captured the imagination of the Island?s amateur and professional artists with weird and wonderful designs reflecting the imagination and no doubt psychological workings of those involved.

The polymer pigs make a lasting vandal-proof investment, argued Masterworks Foundation executive director Tom Butterfield who noted a moose made of similar material had been dropped by helicopter from 300 feet but suffered damage only to its stand. The hogges have a reserve price of $1,500 which covers the cost, shipping and materials of each animal and already around 75 people have expressed an interest in the function which will be attended by Premier Alex Scott and his wife Olga.

Mr. Butterfield said: ?A lot of people going off the Island have left bids.?

But he doesn?t believe it will be a case of exempt companies swarming to snap up the swine.

?I don?t think the bids are going to go for $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000.?

Money raised will go towards the charity?s educational fund.

Front runners to go for the big money are Venus hogge, Nighthogge and Pig Iron predicted Mr. Butterfield.

The popular Gombey Hogge will not be for sale but will be returned to East End Primary while kids? favourite Hoggy Potter, who had his glasses stolen before an eagle-eyed Princess employee found and returned them will go back to Warwick Academy.

Mr. Butterfield said all nine schools who had contributed a hogge would get them back.

He noted the creatures were a magnet to kids wanting to climb on them.

The pig painting project had been oversubscribed by nearly three times said Mr. Butterfield.

?I don?t think so much it?s been a success for Masterworks, it?s more of a success for Bermuda. Visitors have loved it.

?I have done random tests and virtually every other person has gone down to the Princess to see it. It?s terrific. It?s important to have some fun and some laughs. We as an Island sometimes take ourselves far too seriously.?

The event at the Harbour Room next Wednesday, April 28. The cost is $60 per person and includes paddle, glossy catalogue of all the hogges, wine and hors d?oeuvres during the preview from 6-7 p.m.

The ?Hoggtion? starts at 7 p.m. with auctioneers Leonard Gibbons, Andrea Casling and Robin Blackburne. Call 236 2950 or e-mail: mworksibl.bm