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Bell?s third solo show has crystal theme

Masterworks Artist-in-the-Garden Laura Bell has really been looking into crystals lately ? and I don?t mean crystal balls.

The artist has always been fascinated by nature, and especially by the beautiful, intricate details in flowers and plants, but chose to focus on these geological wonders this time.

?The theme of this show is all crystals, but not the ones you?d expect,? she said.

?During my research I found that lesser known stones like schalenblende and moss agate were far more interesting than diamonds and emeralds.

?I?ve blown them up far beyond what you would find in nature and have been awed by the incredible detail, colour and pattern within each stone.

?Because they are so big they become purely abstract and even more beautiful.?

This is Ms Bell?s third solo show and her second as part of Masterworks Artist in the Garden series, however, the last time she showed with them it was called Artist-Up-Front Street.

She has also shown in numerous group and member shows at the Bermuda Society of Arts and her work was selected for the Bermuda National Gallery?s 2004 Bacardi Biennial.

This show marks a departure for the painter, however, with its consistent focus. ?All the works in this show have a single theme ? crystals,? she said.

?They vary greatly in colour and size but work together as a group quite well.?

Ms Bell has worked in acrylics to create the 20 pieces in her show.

?I love the vibrant colours and texture you can create with it,? she said. ?It is also a very quick drying paint which suits my style.?

She has been creating art for as long as she can remember, but has been seriously showing her work since 2001.

?I graduated Jacksonville University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1998,? she said.

?I went to work as a graphic designer at Bermuda Sun, until last year, when I joined The Bermudian Magazine as their associate editor.?


Ms Bell?s show opens tonight from 5.30 - 7 p.m. and runs until November 16. For more information ( 236-2950.