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Bootsie brings some welcome comedy back to the rock!


You all know Bootsie right? The guy who has been one of our top funny men for well over a decade now; the guy who has always made us laugh with what seemed to be very little effort and no profanity at all; well, that guy is still around, and he's still funny, but his new series of adult comedy shows is a bit more than you'd expect from Bermuda's answer to Bill Cosby.

I went to see the first of what I hope to be a long and prosperous series of events on Saturday night, and even I, a jaded critic, laughed uncontrollably. The City Hall theatre was approximately 90 percent full, and pretty much everyone there, like me, had come to laugh.

Bootsie hosted the evening with as much comedic competence as he's ever exhibited, dropping classic punch lines and recreating loveable old characters on a whim, much to the near-sell-out crowd's unbridled glee.

The first act he introduced, after some confusion that, contrary to statements made, did not ruin his whole show, was the Spice Man. Now the last time I saw the Spice Man (some three years ago) I said he needed a little more time in the mirror, fine-tuning his act. On Saturday night the first thing I noticed was that he very definitely took that advice to heart. His act was significantly better than the last time, and so was his material. Commentary on cheating, certain over-zealous motorcycle cops, MLWPs (had to be there for that one Billy) and his own promotion to the status of a highly cunning linguist had the crowd rolling in the aisles, and I even smiled a couple of times (imagine that!).

The next act was a skinny restaurant owner named Walter. He opened by throwing ‘freebies' into the audience and took a minute to get his bearings, but when he really got warm, he became a comedy revelation. His peculiar brand of physical comedy and cutting satirical wit won the crowd over thoroughly after just five minutes. His content was a bit more adult than I can really speak of here, but if you ever found yourself holding your gut and laughing out loud at comics like Eddie Griffin or Martin Lawrence, then you'd have absolutely loved Walter.

The US acts hit the stage after the short ‘go-get-a-drink' intermission, and let me tell you, they hit the stage hard!

Jon Laster was up first; dropping jokes about dodging cars in Bermuda, terrorism and the war on it, bill collectors who send letters that open with “You think we don't intend to get our money?” and ‘Bar-muda'. The last part was a commentary on our tendency to drink alcohol way too much, and the guy had us laughing at ourselves harder than I'd ever imagined possible. Jon was obviously a seasoned professional, and can frequently be seen on BET as well as P. Diddy's upcoming Def Jam style comedy series; look out for it Charlie.

Smokey was the last player to play, and he was very original and very, very funny. His material covered such touchy subjects as marijuana (and the astronomical cost of it in Bermuda), Harlem roaches, Jamaicans with steel toe toes, Latin people and big women (a segment that drew the audience into an uneasy silence - don't know why exactly because the stuff was funny). Smokey is another of the comics who will be featured on P.Diddy's show, and he also has a comedy album called ‘I'm Stupid' for sale on www.ubo.com. you know you need to check it out, would I mention it otherwise?

In the end, Bootsie's reputation took a small blow due to the adult nature of this show, but in terms of comedy, this was as high quality as there is. The people came, the people laughed, what more can you ask? Besides, censorship is evil!

Bootsie intends to put one of these shows on every month in conjunction with P. Diddy's event in New York. The only thing he needs now is your support! This is high quality comedy people. Let's get out there and fill those seats.