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Cable association gives to Women?s Resource Centre

The Caribbean Cable and Telecommunications Association donated $750 to Bermuda's Women's Resource Centre.

The charity was nominated for the grant by Bermuda CableVision, the company is a member of CCTA.

Shari Woods, CableVision's Human Resources Manager, said: "This group is playing a vital role in the community in terms of education, counselling and advocacy. It is an organisation that is both caring and extremely effective. We hope this small gift will help them."

Penny Dill, Executive Director of the Women's Resource Centre, was happy to accept the award and said the donation would help the charity empower women and reduce the effects of domestic and sexual violence in out community.

The CCTA gives out ten grants a year based on recommendations by its members. So far the association has donated $125,000 to Caribbean charities. The charity programme began eleven years ago. Last year's Bermudian recipient was Hope Homes.