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Come alive to the sound of Bermuda

The Caisey Family Productions is doing it again ? but this time taking the question ?are you local?? a little further.

They are hitting their fans and supporters of Cancer Assistance Research Foundation (CARF) with a production entitled Strictly Local, which takes place at the City Hall Theatre, on August 21 at 4 p.m.

One of the organisers June Caisey said people are always saying that they should do something that is written and performed entirely by Bermudians and they are doing just that.

?So, this year we are doing it,? she said, ?I hope people put their money where their mouth is.

?There is so much music here on this Island ? I mean music galore and we just weed it out.

?All the material has been written by Palmer Wade, Sydney Bean, Keith Caisey, Grant Williams, Junior C, Vic Glazier, Septimus, Asha Caisey, Zion and Katrina Smith.?

Mrs. Caisey said the musical genres range from reggae to pop ballads. ?It is truly a variety,? she said.

?And my granddaughter Asha who is 11 has written something called Super Fly. Her cousins will be dancing in the background while she is singing, so I am really excited about that.

?There is a poem called by Katrina (Sunflower) Smith and she has did a poem called Freedom Cry and I am doing that.?

?Also taking part in the event are the Caisey Family Band, Tony Dill, John Lee, Darvis Richardson, Derek Simmons. Singers Bethann Thomas, Palmer Wade, Zion, and Albert, Asha, Clinton, June, Phiemma, and Taur Caisey.

?Dancers are Taitu Wilson, Lauren Francis, Keizia Caisey, Deidre Jones and the Ashettes who are Ashley Usher and Takia Taylor.?

All the tunes for the programme were picked by Mrs. Caisey?s daughter Phiemma Caisey-WIlson.

?She says this is for you mama and this is for you brother,? said Mrs. Caisey. ?We never go beyond what we feel we can handle and for instance, I for the life of me, can?t sing calypso.

?I will not attempt to do calypso and if it is rocky and fast we wont attempt to do it and that is why she picks tunes or songs that everyone can work with.?

But Mrs. Caisey stressed as much as it is meant to be a time when the audience has fun there is a more serious message behind this year?s show ? cancer.

?Everything that we make goes to the cause,? she said, ?and that is why we ask for sponsors because all the ticket sales go to CARF.

?The main thing that we want to stress is that everyone has loved ones who have suffered from cancer so try to support this because if they can do a search to find a cure.?

For more information about CARF visit, call or email www.carfinfo.com Quiletta Gomes 292-7798 or email carfcanaol.com.

Tickets are available from Kit & Caboodle or at the door $30.