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Compliments of Broadway Bistro

Staff from the Broadway Bistro at Coquille were out in full force on Tuesday morning giving unsuspecting patrons something French.

The staff welcomed motorists along East Broadway and at the Hamilton Ferry Terminal. Everyone that stopped was handed a gift bag that contained a voucher, which entered them into a December draw in which ten people will win a meal valued at $150 at the Broadway Bistro at Coquille.

Broadway Bistro manager Jacky DiMeglio said they aimed to introduce the restaurant?s Christmas Specials and New Year?s menus.

?We also wanted to provide information on our group?s Fork Out Dine-Around and on the other restaurants in the MEF Group,? he said.

?We also thought that it was a nice touch that we could offer commuters a fresh croissant compliments of the Broadway Bistro early in the morning.?

Mr. DiMeglio apologised for any inconvenience suffered by the public because of the project, although he said the general response was ?quite positive, and most people were happy to receive their package?.