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Death of Howard Dickinson

A funeral service for the late Dr. Howard James Llewellyn Dickinson was held at St. Peter's Church, Budleigh Salterton, Devon in England on Saturday, October 27.

Although Dr. Dickinson was only known as a retired gentleman, well over 100 people attended the service.

The mourners included Mrs. Howard Dickinson, Mr. David Dickinson (son), Mrs. Sarah DeSilva (daughter), Kerri, Howard and Conrad (grandchildren) and Ben (great-grandson), Mr. Donald DeSilva (son-in-law) and Mrs. Gail Covey (daughter-in-law), as well as nephews, and cousins and many friends, including an amazing number of people from churches of all denominations in Budleigh Salterton.

Although Dr. Dickinson was a true son of Bermuda, he had become an adopted son of Budleigh Salterton since his retirement, when he divided his time between Bermuda and Budleigh Salterton.

A service of thanksgiving for the life of Dr. Dickinson will be held at St. Paul's Church, Paget on December 4, which would have been his 90th birthday.

The service will be held at 3.20 p.m. and afterwards tea will be served in the Peter Evans Memorial Hall.