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Gardening workshop open to the public

Teachers and the general public are invited to attend a gardening workshop at the Botanical Gardens which will run tonight, Monday and Tuesday evenings.

The objective is to learn about square foot gardening, which organiser Toi Wellman described as ?simple, unique and versatile system that adapts to all levels of experience, physical ability and geographical location?.

The speaker for the workshops will be Mel Bartholomew, the originator of the system.

Intro to Square Foot Gardening workshops will be held on the above-noted evenings from 7-9 and an Advance Square Foot Gardening and Teacher?s Certification class will be held on both tomorrow and Sunday from 10 a.m. till 3.30 p.m. Those interested should select only one of the days.

For more information on the workshops please contact Ms Wellman at 735-0060.