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Sian Caisey
graduated from New York University with an MA in Counselling on May 9, 2005.She was the Social Chair of the Student Counselling Association and a member of the Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society for maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout her studies. She completed her clinical internship at a non-profit agency in Brooklyn (Groundwork) where she worked with children between the ages of 7-14.


graduated from New York University with an MA in Counselling on May 9, 2005.

She was the Social Chair of the Student Counselling Association and a member of the Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society for maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout her studies. She completed her clinical internship at a non-profit agency in Brooklyn (Groundwork) where she worked with children between the ages of 7-14.

Sian completed her undergraduate degree at York University in Toronto, Canada in 2002 achieving a BA Honours in Psychology.

Sian is a former student of Warwick Academy, graduating in 1998 with honours. She went on to study at Bermuda College where she graduated with distinction in 2000 with an Associate Degree in Arts.

She is currently employed as a therapist at the Vera Institute of Justice, a drug treatment programme for adolescents in the juvenile justice system in New York. Sian works in the adolescent Potable Therapy Programme.

Attending the graduation from Bermuda were her parents Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Caisey, her sister Ffion Caisey, grandmother Violet Caisey and aunt Cheryl-Ann Mapp.

Sian?s aunt Cynthia Swan also attended the graduation, travelling from Canada.