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Help for osteoporosis sufferers

A Canadian doctor is in Bermuda this week to promote two new drugs which combat a bone fracturing disease which hits seniors.

Vivian Bykerk, from the UHN-Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto will plug the benefits of residronate and injectable parathyroid hormone (PTH) in fighting osteoporosis.

The disease affects around one in four women over the age of 65 and one in eight men but Bermuda's sunny climate could help boost calcium and vitamin D level.

She said of the PTH: "We are excited that an agent can build bone and not cause fractures. That's never happened before. It's very exciting but it's not even available yet."

"The drug company says there are less gastro-intestinal side affects and fractures are more quickly reduced."

Pauline Girling, of Phoenix stores, who are sponsoring the visit, could not give a price for the residronate here because it had to be specially ordered. But in the States it costs about $50 to $70 a month.