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Island shows global spirit

A Bermudian contingency of 60 people travelled to the United Nations Headquarters in New York city.

The group went to showcase their peace and tolerance prototype at the Friends of the United Nations Award Ceremony on Human Rights Day.

Global Arts Entertainment was established one and a half years ago for the UN Quest for the Global Peace and Tolerance project.

It is the hope of the organisation that the peaceful images and statements expressed by the children will help to bring all of us closer toward the goal of living in global harmony.

Sales and administrative director Sarah Fellows said that the Friends of the United Nations took the opportunity to thank the Bermuda Government, community, local sponsors, children and the organisers, Global Arts and Entertainment, for their spectacular delivery at the Peace and Tolerance Award Ceremony, which was held on December 10.

?In the whirlwind tour the children visited the UN International School,? said Ms Fellows.

?According to the school?s director, Professor Wrye, the children delivered a mature and very inspiring presentation and to this end he has invited six students from various Bermudian schools to attend their conference in March, which is hosted in the Great Assembly Hall.

?Dr. Noel Brown, president of The Friends of the United Nations noted that only 0.0000001 percent of the world?s population had ever entered this room.?

Global Arts and Entertainment project director Sam Maybury thanked everyone that made the campaign a reality.

He said: ?Our national campaign for 2004 includes educational initiatives, digital photography, painting, poems, essays and debates.

?This year we intend to focus on old and new current world issues.

?For our sports initiative we plan to have another tennis fun day and launch the grassroots junior league, in addition the sailing community has approached us to also get involved.?

In addition to this, Mr. Maybury said there was a calendar of the children?s artwork coming out in the new year and the Post Master General agreed to have the children?s artwork on franking on postage and national stamps.

The theme for the coming year is Tolerance is our Currency.

Andrew Phillips, chief executive officer of Global Arts Entertainment said the public will have a chance to view the New York Trip, thanks to an all Bermuda production company, Executive Productions.

?It will be in documentary format and will be aired in the New Year,? said Mr. Phillips.

?In addition it is projected that the documentary will be distributed to the 185 member countries of UNESCO.?

Executive Productions director Sandy Thomas said the documentary will be a joint venture.

?Startime Productions will be working on the documentary of the presentations made at the United Nations,? said Mr. Thomas.

?There will be footage of Roshena Beek?s coverage of the children painting murals.

?And of the Tempo Band playing in the backdrop during the presentations.

?It will be an interesting, informative and enjoyable experience for everyone.?

Mr. Thomas said the documentary will be ready in the New Year and his team consisted of Ms Beek, Aron Christopher and Anthony Darrell.

Premier Alex Scott said that Bermuda?s involvement made him proud to be Premier.

Minister of Communications Ashfield DeVent, who went to New York with the group, said the children presented themselves professionally and were well spoken at the event.