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It?s never too late to choose a career

Like most young men, Steven Burchall is trying to find his niche in life. But he admits that he is a little scared, because while most 25-year-olds are settled in their chosen careers and starting families, he is still trying to figure out what his passion in life is.

Steven admits that when he was in school he never gave his future much thought and simply went to school ?for the sake of going?.

When he graduated from CedarBridge Academy he started working in construction and while the money was ?good?, he said he found the environment stifling with no opportunity to develop professionally.

?They have to finish a project in a certain amount of time and don?t take the time to teach you anything,? he explains, adding that he would have liked to have mastered masonry, but was never given the opportunity.

Filled with dread of having to spend the rest of his life in a job he disliked, Steven resigned and approached the Bermuda Careers Centre for help.

He told how the centre?s Executive Director, Derek Smith, helped him complete an evaluation.

?The evaluation highlighted my weaknesses and strengths,? Steven explains. ?Derek also showed me how many jobs are available in Bermuda, but are currently filled by foreign workers.?

According to the evaluation, Steven?s strengths lay in sports and recreation.

?Derek then showed me the different opportunities available to me in this particular field, including teaching,? he explained.

?But it?s a minimum of four years in school, which I can?t afford, so I put that aside and looked at my next strength, which was in mechanics.?

Steven was surprised to see how many opportunities were available in this field, not just working as a motor mechanic and the opportunities for an apprentice to develop further skills were also very appealing.

With a broad smile, Steven admits that teaching has always appealed to him: ?I love working with kids and coming up with ways to get them motivated.?

It was this love that led him to the recently re-launched West End Youth Community Club for which he is the co-chairman.

Through the club, Steven believes he can help guide the youth in the right direction. That includes encouraging them to think about their futures and deciding early on what careers they want to pursue.

?Derek gave me a good example; he said translated a job is ?Just Over Broke?, while a career is something you are going to put your life into, so it?s important to find something you like!?