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Lee keeps the dock ticking

St. George?s has its own caretaker of the town?s docks. Although he has a calm, gentle demeanour with a beautiful bass voice, he can karate kick with the best and climb the highest building to put out a fire or rescue people and pets. Despite the fact that this super hero does not wear a red cape, Lee Tucker, Corporation Dockmaster for four years, is well respected. He takes care of the dos and don?ts of tie ups along the picturesque old town which is sometimes rowdy, and sometimes sleepy.

?I walk around and alongside our docks and I keep the boats, yachts and dinghies in order. During April and summer until about mid December I keep a watchful eye out for the yachts people. I generally enjoy a favourable rapport with them and over the years I have made many new friends. Like any job, ever now and again I run across a few who behave badly but I put them right,? he said.

His favourite aspect of the job is meeting new people from all over the world and making new friends. Last year he met four monks from Sweden and they still keep in touch.

Mr. Tucker, previously a fireman, was recommended for dockmaster by his superior, Gareth Adderley, the town?s fire chief. Over the years he has received a good amount of on the job training while with the Fire Department. He has the perfect combination for success as he is capable and confident and a career fire veteran of 28 years. He also worked in the fire department of Hampstead, New York.

?Life around here is not always easy, especially when the cruise ships are in. I am constantly working to keep the docks clear to ensure proper positioning for everyone.?

When asked where he sees himself in five years he says he loves his jobs here but might return to the US. He teaches traditional Okinawa and has two schools here, one is on Old Military Road, St. George?s and the other is Smith?s Parish. A man of high energy he teaches four classes a day.

When asked about his advice to St. George?s new mayor, E. Michael Jones, he said: ?I would say to the mayor to serve the town to the best of his abilities and to have his team embrace visions for the near future.?

Mr. Tucker specified three wishes for the town: another fire truck and again, another fire truck, and prosperity.

He commented about life around town when the ferries were running regularly to St. George?s: ?During our time of need when the Causeway was severely injured last September, the ferry service was indeed wonderful and I heard excellent remarks from both locals and tourists. It was timely and when you arrived to Hamilton you did not worry about parking. Everyone is hopeful that it will resume next year.?

His wife is Mr. Tucker?s greatest inspiration and then comes his old fire chief, Gary Renault, followed by his karate instructor who he describes as a big man with a gentle heart. He adds: ?My students are my current source of inspiration. We learn from each other.?

Mr. Tucker obtained a business management degree while studying in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is a certified fire fighter at levels one, two and three. Currently he is at Officer One level in fire fighting. He is currently a volunteer fireman and very dedicated.

When asked to describe himself he says: ?I am aggressive in training and school, humble, and I love life and family. I have four daughters and a foster son and a beautiful wife, Eunice.?

Mr. Tucker is constantly seeking challenges and mastering them. He is a dedicated man of many talents and is the type of leader who makes a memorable impression the instant you meet. He is a hero to St. George?s.