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Local flower arrangers follow the ?Indus Flow?

Two members of the Bermuda Garden Club will be heading for Pakistan for the World Association of Flower Arrangers Seminar.

The event entitled ?AS The Indus Flows? takes place between March 1 and March 13.

Nicky Gurret and Bobbie Mitchell will represent Bermuda in Pakistan.

The World Association of Flower Arrangers (WAFA) holds its World Show competition every three years, last year it was in Yokohama, Japan, and in 2008 the ninth World Show will take place in Lahore, the ?Pearl of the Punjab?, in Pakistan.

?In preparation for the Worlds, the host country customarily arranges a seminar and invites two delegates from each country to attend their seminar,? said Mrs. Gurret.

?For this seminar the WAFA Pakistan Committee have planned an exciting programme, which they have described as a rendezvous with their heritage and culture.

?It will take the delegates from the foothills of the Himalayas to the shores of the Arabian Sea.

?The seminar title ?AS The Indus Flows? is a reference to the legendary Indus, a great trans-Himalayan river rising from Lake Mansarowar in south western Tibet. It is fed by the mighty glaciers of the Koarakorams, the Nanga Parbat Massif and the Kohistani ranges, its gushing torrents enter Pakistan in the north through Baltistan.

?It?s one of the longest rivers in the world and its length of 2,900 kilometres winds and flows across the heart of fertile Punjab plains southwards into Sinah where it drains into the Arabian Sea.

?This mighty river gave sustenance to one of the earliest cultures of the world. The Indus Valley civilisation in 2500 BC.?

Upon their arrival in Islamabad Mrs. Gurret and Bobbie Mitchell will exhibit a floral design that represents Bermuda.

?We have had two practice runs where we will be portraying the Bermuda fitted dinghy with a modern arrangement of Chinese Fan Palm and drift wood,? she said.

?It is arranged on blue chiffon material on a two foot cube. We have both represented Bermuda in past international shows.

?My last international show was at the Chelsea Flower Show 2005. I was awarded a bronze medal for the floral arranging exhibit titled ?Glimpses of Paradise?.?