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Moonlight walk-a-thon to raise funds for Sunshine League

Photo David SkinnerOn a moonlit night: The Sunshine League Children's Home will walk up the picturesque South Shore on Saturday night to raise funds for the home. This is a photo of the full moon casting a spell over the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club.

Moon-walkers and romantics are invited to take part in a picturesque walk along the South Shore in the Sunshine League?s sixth annual walk-a-thon.

The Moonwalk, which takes place tomorrow night, aims to promote family togetherness, through one of the Sunshine League?s annual fundraisers.

The Sunshine League Children?s Home is a group home for children who are unable to be with their families.

The funds from this annual fundraiser will help with the ever increasing expenses of the home, which has been in existence for 80 years.

?This is a unique walk-a-thon in that it takes place in the evening,? said Karen Hudson executive director of the Sunshine League.

?At a time when family obligations are most likely to be over and families have more of an opportunity to spend time together. Not to mention dusk is a perfect time to walk as the heat of the day is over.?

She said the event is not limited to those who wish to walk, however, cyclists are also welcome.

The Moonwalk begins at Warwick Long Bay Park playground on the South Shore and then proceeds to the lay-by at St. Anne?s Church, Southampton, where there will be a refreshment stop.

?Walkers start with a warm-up and at the end of the moonwalk they return to Warwick Park for a delicious after walk picnic,? Ms Hudson said.

Registration for the walk is $15 per adult and $5 per child.

?The T-shirts for the walk are being sponsored by Butterfield Bank Employee Trust,? said Ms Hudson.

?All children will receive ?glow in the dark neck pieces? courtesy of Gulf Stream Construction and the first 300 participants will receive a T-shirt for the walk.?

Interested parties can register at the Sportseller, in the Washington Mall, where they can also collect their pledge form and T-shirt.

The League is also always looking for staff and volunteers and interested contact the Executive Director, The Sunshine League Children?s Home, P. O. Box HM 2773, Hamilton HM HX.