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Music, readings at Verdmont tomorrow

Friends of Verdmont, a committee of the Bermuda National Trust, will present "A Candlelit Evening at Verdmont" tomorrow at the Verdmont Museum at 7.30 p.m.

All are welcome to come and enjoy a truly magical evening at Verdmont Historic House Museum.

Performances will include music by Consorted Effort, a cappella singers and `brass works' quartet. This year's reading, WS Zuill's "The Troubled Times of Governor Hope", will be read by Rebecca Zuill, Jean Hannant and Ian Hind.

The script chronicles Governor Hope's administration from 1721-1727, providing an interesting insight into 18th century life in Bermuda."We hope to encourage people to experience the house and museum in a different way. Funds raised go towards the maintenance of the museum, but tickets are kept reasonable so that the evening is affordable to all," explained Jennifer Hind, chair of the Friends of Verdmont committee.

Sadly the size of the audience is limited to 40 but during the intermission wine and hors d'oeuvres will be served.

Tickets are $30 and can be purchased at Waterville, headquarters of the Bermuda National Trust. Seating is limited, for reservations call 236-6483.

The next "Candlelit Evening" is set to take place on Saturday, May 10 at 7.30 p.m. when historian David Raine will spin a story of Bermuda's past. Call 236-6483 to reserve tickets which are again priced at $30.

For further information call Amy Scott at 236-6483.