New book from Judyann Bean
A local singer's third book about her life is now available in Bermuda stores.
'As Time Goes On' by singer Judyann Bean is a scrapbook of poems, song lyrics and photographs of friends and family.
"It is an autobiography of my life in one book," said Mrs. Bean who has two music CDs out including 'Tribute to Love' and 'A Fresh Anointing'.
"My first two books were all poems and they sold out. This one here is different because it combines everything together. The first book came out about 15 years ago."
Mrs. Bean said she started writing poems when she was just 12 years old.
"Back then I wrote just poems," she said. "Now I also write song lyrics."
Mrs. Bean has a large family of four daughters and four sons ages 30 to eight years old. Her kids helped her to put together the book, and they also feature heavily in it.
"My kids are portrayed all the through the book with my different poems about them," she said. "It took me about a year to put it all together."
The book is published on-demand through Trafford Publishing.
"I wrote mostly at night or any time during the day," she said. "I would jot down little notes to myself."
In the scrapbook she thanks her headmaster from Sandys Secondary, Mansfield Brock.
"He always used to correct my grammar," she said. "My mother was alive for my first two books and she encouraged me a lot."
"I always documented everything and put down the date," she said. "I would write down the name of a poem, and the date it was written in an exercise book. I would also tell them to type up their work. I know a lot of people lose their work."