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Opening our Island's options: One teenager's perspective

Shayna Matthew, 14, attends Saltus Grammar School is the winner of The Royal Gazette's Essay Competition on Education. In her winning essay, Shayna shares her view on Bermuda's education system and teen life

How to Make Bermuda a Better Place

What people fail to realise is that our youth today have become bored with the community. That's why kids are running around, doing the things they do.

Personally I feel that the people who are at fault are the adults, I feel that they're not raising their kids the way they should. They don't control their kids - their kids control them.

Even though Bermuda is a very attractive Island, the teens often become bored with it. Of course we have the beaches, bowling alley, and mini golf.

And we do appreciate all of those things. But apart from all those places what do we have? We could always start another youth programme such as PRIDE.

I think that if we persuade the youth into joining a programme as such I think it would be very successful.

I attend Saltus Grammar School, and I often hear Bermudians say that the schooling system in Bermuda is poor.

But why doesn't anyone question why the schooling system is poor?

I wonder if anyone ever thought why the system is the way it is.

Have you ever thought maybe the children aren't getting enough attention at home? And if they can't get any attention at home, who are they to run to?

The teachers never take the time to find out what's going on in those kids lives, all they see is a troubled student, with no potential.

I'm not saying that all of the teachers are like that, some teachers actually try but often give up.

They need to realise that if they keep pushing that student then sooner or later that student will give in.

Maybe the teachers could have some kind of class or private lessons with the students and sit and talk about the problems and issues that involve their lives.

We could also start a programme for those who have issues in their households.

Another problem that we have in our community is teen pregnancy, none of the schools have sex classes, yes, the teachers teach you that you could be risking your life, and the risk of getting pregnant.

They don't explain in detail what happens, and like I said before these kids don't know because their parents don't have any control over them.

They roam the streets doing what ever they please - drinks, party, and having sex.

We need to explain to the young people the seriousness and risks they take when they have sex, and because they don't know the risks and dangers of sex, most of them end up pregnant or with HIV.

I'm not saying that we could stop it, but we can try.

Most teen mothers raise their children to be hot stuff. They don't teach their kids the proper manners and class that they should be taught.

Therefore the children will be brought up into the wrong environment, and will most likely be rude and disrespectful.

In conclusion, I want to let you all know that I feel that Bermuda is a wonderful Island and I enjoy living here.

I am a proud Bermudian, however I feel that there could be more options available to the youth.