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PartnerRe in tune with Harvey?s vision for BDC

When the Bermuda Dance Company (BDC) presents its newest repertoire at the Ruth Seaton James Centre for the Performing Arts on April 30 and May 1 it will not only showcase Bermuda?s best dancers in combination with visiting dancers from New York, but also mark a further step along the road to the fulfilment of artistic director Suzette Harvey?s goal of heading a full-time, professional Bermudian dance company.

Miss Harvey has long envisioned such a modern dance company, first and foremost for trained local dancers wishing to make a career of their art, but also including professional dancers from abroad who may wish to be employed by the company. As always, finance is a major hurdle to the fulfilment of such ambitions, and as Miss Harvey notes, the competition for grants and the benefactors? dollar is stiff.

However, the good news for the Bermuda Dance Company is that Bermuda insurance company PartnerRe supports Miss Harvey?s concept, and has come on board to assist.

Speaking on behalf of the insurance company, corporate communications associate Lisa Lewis says:

?Suzette and her board approached us last year, and we had further discussions and presentations on her vision and where the BDC was going, and two things struck us: 1. The BDC?s commitment and drive for excellence is something that PartnerRe also strives for, so we saw it as a great match, and 2. We are really excited about the timing. The BDC is in its early years, and we found that we had an opportunity to really influence and help bring this company to the forefront of the dance community, and showcase their talents and what they are striving to achieve, so we thought ?Let?s jump on board and make it a long-term commitment?.?

PartnerRe is providing financing, and has been working closely with Miss Harvey on various marketing aspects associated with actively promoting the upcoming dance programme.

For her part, Miss Harvey is delighted with the new partnership. ?The BDC is very excited that PartnerRe is willing to help us go forward in our future endeavours,? she says. ?It is great for us because, as artists, it is always hard. We fight against so many things, like sports, and we know that because of our commitment to excellence, and the teamwork and discipline that goes into being a BDC dancer, PartnerRe is helping to propel us into helping other Bermudians to prepare for a career in dance. It is like passing the torch. We believe that, culturally, Bermuda needs the arts.?

The BDC is a registered charity supported by a board of directors, headed by chairman John Harvey, MBE JP, father of Miss Harvey and CEO of the Bermuda Hotel Association. Modelled after the renowned Alvin Ailey dance organisation, the BDC was founded in January, 2000 with a mission to become a world class, internationally recognised professional dance company. It gave its debut performance at the Ruth Seaton James Centre for the Performing Arts in 2001. As a touring company, it has performed in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, St. Kitts and Trinidad in the Caribbean, and Malaysia.

?In 2005 we are hoping to go back on the road and keep performing as ambassadors for Bermuda,? Miss Harvey says. ?We want to let Bermuda dancers know that there is an avenue for them.?

Meanwhile, the artistic director describes the BDC as ?a modern dance company promoting Bermuda?s best dancers; and where we create harmony and unity, and unity is strength. It is also open to international dancers, just like any dance company in the world?.

?The dancers have a very good work ethic,? she says.

Turning to the upcoming programme at Ruth Seaton, Miss Harvey says the show will open with ?Ibitha?, a ?funky? piece choreographed by New York choreographer Nathan Trice, and the third piece he has choreographed for the BDC over time. Mr. Trice choreographs for the Alvin Ailey II dance company, as well as his own company, Rituals.

The programme will also include ?Soulful Sensations?, a modern jazz work set in the 1960s, which has been collectively choreographed by the BDC dancers, and ?Diaries?, danced by a trio of females of whom Miss Harvey is one.

?I haven?t performed for such a long time, and I really wanted to perform,? the artistic director says of her return to the stage.

The cast will consist of ten Bermuda female dancers and five male dancers from New York ? a collaboration Miss Harvey (who is also rehearsal director) welcomes, and which she hopes will inspire more young Bermudian males to become involved in the arts.

Similarly, she hopes that PartnerRe?s involvement will inspire the public at large to become involved in supporting the aspirations of the BDC.

?People like to be associated with success, and the world is our stage,? Miss Harvey says.

Tickets (patrons $100, general admission $35) are being sold at the Visitors Service Bureau box office Monday to Friday from 12 noon to 2 p.m., as well as at United Dance Productions on Court Street. For further information ( 295-9933.