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Pharmacist offers insights

Phoenix Stores Chief Pharmacist Stephanie Simmons recently spoke about the role of a pharmacist recently at the monthly meeting of the Women in International Trade Group at the Harbourfront Restaurant.

She told her audience about her responsibilities as a pharmacist and highlighted the important role of the modern pharmacist in the community, and encouraged others to join the profession.

Ms Simmons is one of the Island's 45 pharmacists, 14 of whom are employed by Phoenix Stores. She was appointed Chief Pharmacist there in July and has worked for the company since 1984.

As well as providing a convenient and easily accessible way of picking up drugs or prescriptions, the pharmacists are also a source of free medical advice.

The main role of a modern pharmacist is to provide a wider service that is much more customer focused whether it be dispensing prescription drugs, checking for drug interaction in medications, correct dosages and giving health and hygiene advice.

To become a pharmacist, Stephanie undertook academic training that involved five years at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, which included the study of basic sciences, physiology and pharmacology, medicinal chemistry and biochemistry. This was followed by practical training in a lab and also in a hospital pharmacy.