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Twins win scholarships from local fraternity

The local chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity has given awards worth $2,000 each to twins Shannon and Shantel DeShield for them to pursue their university studies.

Shannon will attend St. Joseph?s College in Maine and will study Sports Management, while Shantel will attend Temple University and pursue a degree in Kinesiology and Business Management.

The Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity chapter has been offering awards to local students wishing to continue their education for the last ten years.

The scholarship fund is raised through the annual Kappa Alpha Psi Music Festival Golf Tournament.

This year?s tournament will be held at the Belmont Hills Golf Club on October 9 beginning at 7.30 a.m.

Tournament prizes include gift vouchers and packages. The big prize, however, is a car for a hole in one. Anyone interested in entering in the tournament should call Anthony Hunter on 236-3590 or 735-7521.