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Yoga instructor to conduct workshops this weekend

A structural yoga teacher will be holding workshops this weekend for both teachers and other interested parties. The classes are being taught by Aramati Hulburt, who has learned the art form from the developer himself ? Mukunda Stiles.

Mr. Stiles created the Structural Yoga Therapy system in 1976, he has become a pioneer in Yoga Therapy following his training in Krishnamacharya?s lineage of teachers ? Iyengar and Indra Devi. He is the author of Structural Yoga Therapy, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and has edited seven books on Ayurveda. So, if you suspect that your shoulder, back and knee problems are related to one another in some way, then Structural Yoga may be a practice you want to explore, said organiser Frances Marshall.

?This classical form of yoga enables practitioners to create a routine that is tailored to their own specific needs. Its 21 joint-freeing exercises are being used as a warm-up routine to not only yoga but weight-lifting, running and a host of other fitness programs.?

Ms Marshall added that dedicated followers are finding these exercises to be a great way to wake up the body in the morning and to re-energise it at midday. ?It was developed by acclaimed yoga therapist and author Mukunda Stiles,? she said. ?Structural Yoga works from the basic premise that the body has an innate capacity for safe, healthy movement and healing. Using three analytic tools ? joint mobility, muscular strength and posture reading.

?Its aim is to adapt to the needs of the individual rather than having the individual adapt to a pre-set way of moving. Mr. Stiles asserts that his method of yoga is applicable to all other yoga styles and recommends that students have a teacher to make sure that they?re applying the principles correctly.?

Local teachers and students will have an opportunity to experience Structural Yoga in a series of workshops, which will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

?Ms Hulburt, who specialises in yoga anatomy, movement and adaptation, is currently certifying as a therapist under Mr. Stiles,? said Ms Marshall. ?She is also a practising massage therapist working in Reiki, Healing Touch, Reflexology and other modalities.

?She is from Holland and holds an MSc in Biology from the University of Virginia and Ms Hulburt is coming to Bermuda at the invitation of LivingYoga, one of a host of new organisations formed to bring self-development programmes to the Island.?

The Workshops include: Yoga Anatomy, October 21, at 7.30 p.m. ? 9 p.m. $45. Examining Muscular Balance and Joint Freedom October 22, 2.30 p.m. ? 5.30 p.m. $75 Personalising Your Yoga October 23, 2.30 p.m. ? 5.30 p.m. $75 A ten percent discount is being offered for all three workshops being offered for attendance at all three workshops.

For information or to register: LivingYoga ( 295-0190 or email livingyogalogic.bm.